Course content of Word
Understanding the Word Program Screen.
Creating, editing, printing and saving documents.
Formatting text and paragraphs.
Create and format tables and columns.
Learn to use Graphics, WordArt, charts, and text flow
Proofreading text with Spellcheck.
Inserting symbols and special characters (especially for Chinese and Japanese typing).
Advanced features including mail merge, macros, document versioning, and proofing tools.
Student should already possess the ability to use the mouse, which includes knowledge of scrolling and the left and right mouse buttons. Student should also be familiar with using the cursor to move and select objects and how to give the computer a command. Basic knowledge of the keyboard and all the major keys are also essential.
Course Information:
4 lessons
6 hours in total
Course content of Excel
Understanding the Excel Program Screen
Giving commands and using command shortcuts
Creating new workbooks and spreadsheets
Opening, saving and closing a Workbook
Data entry, navigation and management of cells
Checking spelling using and customizing AutoCorrect
Learn to use basic and commonly used formula
Advance Excel Commands
Student should already possess the ability to use the mouse, which includes knowledge of scrolling and the left and right mouse buttons. Student should also be familiar with using the cursor to move and select objects and how to give the computer a command. Basic knowledge of the keyboard and all the major keys are also essential.
Course Information:
4 lessons
6 hours in total
On completion of this module each learner will be able to:
Work with presentations and save them in different file formats
Choose built-in options such as the Help function within the application to enhance productivity
Understand different presentation views and when to use them, choose different slide layouts and designs
Enter, edit and format text in presentations. Recognise good practice in applying unique titles to slides
Choose, create and format charts to communicate information meaningfully
Insert and edit pictures, images and drawn objects
Apply animation and transition effects to presentations and check and correct presentation content before finally printing and giving presentations
Course Information:
4 lessons
6 hours in total
Microsoft Office Package
( Word+Powerpoint+Excel)
Course fee: $488
Duration: 8 Lessons, 1.5 hours per lesson